Cable: Godfather 1-3.

Why will I lie comatose on the couch watching HOURS of movies complete with commercials and all, when I own those very same movies on DVD and could just get up and put those in and actually a) not have to watch commercials and b) watch the entire series in a considerably shorter time frame?
Have seen #s 1 and 2 about a zillion times of course. Had only fully watched 3 one time a zillion years ago. On rewatching, I think to myself “What is everyone always crying about? 3 is not THAT BAD.” In fact, I think it is almost satisfactory. It shows how things have fallen apart, how Michael’s lack of emotion and connectedness to others (which Vito had but Michael doesn’t) has caused the disintegration. It has crazy nutso unstable Andy Garcia’s character coming in and eventually taking over (further disintegration). And I frankly don’t see anything wrong with Sofia’s acting in it.
I think everyone else is just a) bitching about nothing or b) going along w/ the party view. Fie on them. I might not think 3 is AS GOOD as 1 and 2. But there are MANY many movies out in this world that aren’t as good as 1 or 2, aren’t there.
It’s so crazy to watch this now. Anyone who was ANYONE at the time was in it. And so many of them went on to amazing careers. Not just Pacino and DeNiro (DeNiro as the young Brando — a stroke of genius) but Diane Keaton, James Caan, Michael Duvall… the list goes on and on.