Major injuries I’ve had…(that I can think of right now).

  • Blow-out fracture of right eye orbit.*
  • Broke right wrist (ALL wrist bones) and arm (ALL lower arm bones) once (in one fell swoop).
  • “Deep bone bruise” to right knee/outside shin bone (i.e. fluid inside the bone. looks super cool on the MRI).**
  • Broke little toe on right foot four times in the same summer (damn chair).
  • Torn muscular tissue on bottom of right foot. Ongoing problem.
  • Boil (staph infection) in lower lip. Hospitalized for a week. Fun, fun.
  • Boil in forehead (staph again). Fun emergency room visit. Lots of blood.
  • Sprained left wrist at least four times.
  • Sprained right wrist at least seven times.
  • Sprained right foot during kickboxing/jumprope class.***
  • Sprained right ankle jumping in tractor tire intertubes. Twice. Yeouch.

Things we have learned from this: A) The right side of my body is clearly problematic; B) Sprains often hurt much much MUCH worse than breaks; and C) Boils are taken far more seriously by doctors than by me.

*This is how I met Billy Baldwin and still have one of his t-shirts – no joke.

**Honestly how is it called a “bruise” when your knee is at least swollen up to four times its size and you lose ability to walk/run/do stairs/etc. for many, many months.

***Bonus = found out I have extra bones known as “accessory navicular” or “auxiliary navicular” bones.