Paste Culture Club (1/11/2006): Brandi Carlile

She’s had a couple songs on Grey’s Anatomy: I’ve meant to check her out. Has an odd voice; reminiscent simultaneously of K.D. Lang and Jeff Buckley. Sings to the very edges of her range, just short of breaking into falsetto. Interesting.
Also really loved a song they played earlier on: “Slow New York” by Richard Julian.
Interesting tidbits during the “Arthouse” directors segment (taken from that issue of the magazine): Gus Van Sant is going to be the director on the adaptation of Time Traveler’s Wife. (Not that I’ll be seeing it. Loved the book waaaay too much.)
Enjoyed the Pendarvis interviews Beethoven segment also.
And Nada Surf bookends the show — reminds me, I think I have an album of theirs I’ve never listened to. Probably never even taken the plastic off. Got to get to it!