Big Screen: The Devil Wears Prada.

The contrast between Meryl Streep’s character/performance in this movie versus Prairie Home… Wow. She takes a lot of critical/consumer flack but she is such the consummate actress. If you didn’t KNOW, you would never guess those two characters were played by the same actress. I kiss the ground you walk on, Ms. Streep, seeing both your new flicks in one weekend was a truly awe-inspiring experience.

That said, this is not much of a movie. Anne Hathaway bored me. Where is the Anne Hathaway from “Brokeback Mountain”? Does it have to be an edgy indie movie for you to be alive and excited in it? There was so little chemistry between Hathaway and Adrien Grenier that I could not imagine caring one iota about their relationship. Booooring. And since you’re supposed to be thinking about how the Streep character’s irrational demands are destroying her employees’ personal lives…well, that only really works if you think their personal lives are worth something.

I assume the (many) weaknesses of the movie are straight from the book. Enjoyable enough, funny sometimes, but not a very good movie.