Big Screen: Come Early Morning.

Written & directed by Joey Lauren Adams, “Amy” of “Chasing Amy”. Starring Ashley Judd, who was really wonderful here.
It’s a small film. A “coming into one’s own” film (rather than “coming of age”). A film about, really, just one moment / one turning point. Realizing that you have to make your own choices. That you can’t rely on old crutches, or blame other people and the past they’ve saddled you with for the decisions you’re making today.
A small, quiet movie. But moving. Well directed, well acted. Well worth the admission.
Well worth the drive to Highland Park, somewhere neither of us had ever been, to go to this last night as it was only playing at 4:10 in the city. Somehow we made it before the previews were even over despite getting lost in suburbia.