DVD: Babel.

Still in disbelief that this was nominated for best picture. Didn’t really think much of it at all. Didn’t think it was about “miscommunication” and whatnot as the title might imply. Thought one storyline was so very very tenuously connected to the others that it belonged in a different movie. Far more questions than answers. And sooooo many things that could have made it better, could have made it worth watching, could have made me care at all about any of these characters. But no.

An Altman-esque “Short Cuts” or Paul Haggis’ “Crash”-type disjointed narrative. My co-viewer thought it better than Crash; although she found it frustrating, it raised interesting issues in her mind. I felt the opposite. It seemed to raise no coherent issues whatsoever. At least in Crash, the issues were recognizable whether you felt they were well done or not.

Anyone want to take this DVD off my hands? I’ll happily send it to you, I’m certainly never going to rewatch it.