Repeat Viewing: Miracle

So Glory Road reminded me how much I tend to love sports movies since I love a) sports and b) movies. It’s a win-win and Miracle is one of my all-time faves, and oh look they have it on iTunes. Perfect.

Looooove Kurt Russell in this. LOOOOOOVE Hockey. Love hockey fights. Love sassy boy (playing a boy) from Boston. Loooove some of the other “little” boy actors who have oddly (most of them anyway) appeared in almost nothing else of note. But they’re so good in this, why people haven’t been knocking on their doors offering them roles in sitcoms and romantic comedies, I have no idea. The only really recognizable one is Eddie Cahill who most of us know as “Tag” from Friends.

Honestly can’t think of anything I don’t like about this movie.