Album: The White Stripes “Icky Thump”

So in the past, I have always thought “naw, I don’t think so” when a new White Stripes album comes out. Then a few weeks after its release, I start hearing it everywhere and loving it. Then I finally buy it and it becomes completely indispensable to my listening ears. So this time, I bought it right away. Good idea — ’cause I love it! I mean I LOVE it EXCEPT I HATE “St Andrew (blah blah)”. That song just grates on my ears and in fact I believe I will DELETE it from iTunes altogether when I get home tonight so it never accidentally starts playing! Hate. Love. It’s always a fine line!
Actually I love this album so much that I think I may finally have found my new AC/DC. You know, that one band in a genre you never ever listen to but you just love that one band so much you listen to it constantly? Because THIS album to me is not rock. It’s HARD rock. Metal, almost. I mean, seriously…it rocks. It’s loud and sassy and all BEAT and GUITAR and hello is it not hard rock to you?
As close to listening to Headbanger’s ball as I will ever be, EXCEPT of course AC/DC “Back in Black” which I did in high school (and still do) listen to full-on over and over. Hello if you went to high school when I did, you young folk, there is no way you didn’t know all the words to at least three songs on this album, whether you liked it or not. And it’s certainly the only hard rock I was interested in then. (And OK, during high school, I was willing to make out to Whitesnake, but I wouldn’t listen to it otherwise.)
So there’s two recommendations for you: White Stripes “Icky Thump” = THUMBS UP. AC/DC “Back in Black” = in my all-time Top 10, no question. (Whitesnake = only during heavy petting.)