Fiction: “The Interloper” by Antoine Wilson

Sort of an odd duck. I don’t think it was ALL due to me just having seen “Evening” before I started reading this, but the time it takes place in felt confused. It FEELS like it’s the ’50s or ’60s, very formal, the wife part of a “society” family, the way the murder took place, the writing of letters, the lingering on of CJ’s spirit: all felt very “old,” belonging to the time of Capote and “In Cold Blood.”

But then there are references to snowboarding, and photo shop and Mailboxes, etc. = so it’s supposed to be contemporary. I never really got over this tonal imbalance and really felt much of the plot and the characters would have worked better in THAT time rather than THIS one.

Did enjoy the epistolary drama, the lead’s plan to break the murderer’s heart. The ending reminded me of a very specific part of “Evening,” but I don’t want to give anything away. If you’ve seen that and read this, shoot me an email (link below “Say What”?), I’d love to know if anyone else noticed this particular resonance.