À la Super Eggplant, currently, I am…

Making: Quilting friendship star blocks. Knitting socks.
Reading: Reading a multiple-movie-references book “Don’t Make a Scene” by Valerie Block. Looks like chick lit from the outside, but rises above it. Enjoying it!
Watching: Heroes season 1 on DVD (wow I like it so much better than I liked it when I tried to watch it in real-time last year. what’s up with that). And the only show that’s premiered so far (on my list anyway): K-Ville.
Listening: New stuff I bought yesterday and stuff I bought last week and stuff I bought in Belgium and Common who I’m going to see tomorrow night and The National who I’m going to see Saturday night…I’ve got a crazy mix of things going on right now.

À la Super Eggplant, currently, I am…

Making: Focusing on Friendship Star blocks this week. With the hope of maybe possibly finishing those before I die…
Reading: I’m sorta lazily reading a magical mystery “Storm Front” by Jim Butcher while I am also devouring the trade paperbacks of the Runaways comics (just in time to read the new ones being written by Joss Whedon!)… I’ve read a lot of great books recently, I wanted a little breather while I am still running over them in my mind…
Watching: Summer season finales (The Closer, yay; Rescue Me, starting to bore me; Saving Grace, so much better than people realize; Damages, I don’t love it that much) and obsessing over Season 1 of Friday Night Lights (yeah NOW I’m obsessing. Before? That was nothing!) before the season 2 premiere on October 5. Now I actually have a happy reason to be home on Friday nights. Yay!
Listening: Lots of new stuff on my plate, but also really on a “The Historical Conquests of Josh Ritter” kick today. He’s bringing all sorts of other folk to mind (first song Bob Dylan, “Right Moves” makes me think of Bob Seger [especially the chorus!], some songs Bruce Springsteen, some Leonard Cohen)… Rollicking, good humored, meandering… I’m enjoying it.