Blasts from the Past

One of the joys of the 2008 CD Reorganization Project is rediscovering old tunes, sometimes tunes I never got into but most of the time tunes I loved that never made it onto iTunes (or the iPod) because they were out of the regular listening rotation by the time iTunes/iPods came around…
Last night, going through the “rap/hip hop/etc” piles, I found PM Dawn. PM Dawn!!! (Did you know them?) I loveloveloved those albums, haven’t listened to them in ages…
Unfortunately this discovery was made too close to bedtime to import them into iTunes last night so today I find myself searching the Pod for other oldies but goodies….Guess what I’m listening to right now? The Go-Go’s “Vacation”. Something that made it into iTunes one day when I was working on a “College-ing It Out” playlist, but then started thinking about things that (for me) were High School actually. Oh yeah, baby. This reorg project is bringing all KINDS of stuff to mind. Yay!