Big Screen: Sunshine Cleaning

Very enjoyable. Certainly the most worth seeing of the movies I’ve seen recently. And I think it would stand up to higher standards as well.

While it’s being marketed as another psuedo comedy, as with indie peers such as Little Miss Sunshine and Juno, it’s really a much deeper movie than that. Much more concerned with the little miseries of our day-to-day lives and how much greater an effect the bad things have than the good.

In other words, you take one small step towards improving your life, it helps a tiny bit and then just one little bad thing happens and KABAM you are five steps backwards. A very realistic look at that place of struggle between “doing OK” and “not really doing OK at all” or “barely hanging on” where so many people are stuck. It was so topical and seemed very true to that moment (moreso really than Little Miss Sunshine in fact).

Amy Adams and Emily Blunt were believable as sisters not just in appearance but in attitude and we both really enjoyed it. Although T did ask on the way out: How many movies with “Sunshine” in the title are these people going to make? And are they all going to have Alan Arkin as the dad? 🙂

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