Big Screen: Gigantic

A quirky little indie flick that was quite enjoyable but ultimately suffers from a lack of plot. Nice nuanced performances by Paul Dano (who played the brother who rarely talked in Little Miss Sunshine) and Zooey Deschanel. But ultimately one of those movies that’s a bio piece on a quirky dude but nothing much happens or if it does, it doesn’t seem to lead to anything. Also there’s a weird little Fight Club thing happening in the background that never ultimately amounts to much (or is even explained).

So while I liked it…I also thought it lacked that “story” or momentum that would have brought it to a higher level.

p.s. I did think John Goodman was a bit over the top. For a quiet, slowly evolving movie to have this big ole loud dude on screen? He always took me a bit out of the “action”. Not that it was “action” per se.

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