SciFI: Mother of Storms, by John Barnes

A loaner from Anne, who’s been borrowing all my books!!! 😉 Hee hee just teasing. It came with the recommendation that it’s one of her all-time faves so I was excited to delve in.

Totally wicked modern sci fi basically detailing a (slightly into the future but mostly “our”) world falling into catastrophe set off by one tiny thing. It’s so freaking BECAUSE IT SO COULD HAPPEN. I mean really the entire time you’re reading it, you think “this is ENTIRELY plausible and it is FREAKING ME OUT!” Lots of characters in different storylines with loose connections; like the Robert Jordan books in that if you don’t like certain characters, you just hang in there because the ones you like will have another chapter shortly…

Really entertaining. Really scarily plausible.

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