Big Screen: Fair Game

Really depressing because it’s all true. Everyone knew there were no WMDS; Bush et his cronies just did not want to hear that and got rid of anyone who insisted on telling them that. Everyone that NEEDS to see this (and to see all this blatantly shown) is exactly the everyone that would never go to this movie anyway. Which is sad.

This was pretty powerfully done, good performances all around (Sam Shepherd has just a bit role but totally nails it, of course).

I also really liked that they included clips of the real Plame in the credits.

But I never quite believed them as a couple. It seemed like they styled Penn older than he is and Watts younger than she is or should be for the role (esp after seeing Plame in the credits) and it annoyed me a little. (Not that I didn’t think they were both v. good, I just occasionally had a “I’m not really believing them as a couple” moment.)

Note that my fellow moviegoer completely disagreed with me, loved their chemistry and loved the movie.

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