À la Super Eggplant, currently, I am…

Eating: Goldfish. (Original flavor) They just never get old.

Making: One secret thing. Sometimes. Rarely. When lying on the floor gets too boring.

Reading: Neither Dad nor I have finished last month’s challenge book yet (it was too damn big to carry around so I was only reading it at home except when do I read at home? Not often, turns out), but we decided to move on to this month’s for now and go back and finish the other after…. so that means I’m reading Volume 1 of “The Man Without Qualities” by Robert Musil. It’s not laugh out loud funny but there’s sort of a dry sardonic undertone. So I’m enjoying it.

Watching: Firefly, for the zillioneth time (and then Serenity but of course). Since both Carrie and my future husband are watching it right now, I needed a refresher in case they feel like talking about it.

Listening to: Stuff I bought in June like Fleet Foxes and Shearwater and Jakob Dylan and The Fratellis and James Hunter and Lil Wayne and Port O’Brien. Yeah I have this dream that I will review all June & July albums by month’s end and be ALL CAUGHT UP in time to start fresh with the “school year” so to speak. But don’t hold your breath, I wouldn’t want to be the cause of any untimely deaths.

À la Super Eggplant, currently, I am…

Eating: My weight in brownies from Jamie. Yum.
Making: Secret.Family.Craft.Project.
Reading: Still reading the same two books as last week: 1) at home: Dad’s and my challenge book for the month, “The New Granta Book of the American Short Story” edited by Richard Ford, and 2) in transit: “Absurdistan” by Gary Shteyngart . Close to finishing #2, which has been a hilarious ride so far, and definitely spending some time gazing at the bookshelves, pondering what’s on deck.
Watching: Summer TV kickoffs of Burn Notice, The Cleaner, The Closer, Saving Grace and the wonderful, truly awesome, so enjoyable Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog. (I had more to say ova heah.) Also rewatching lots of old favorites. As well as (re)watching BSG season 4 so far. Wanting to see Wanted again…Sooooo good. (So good that I haven’t written it up? Slacker!)
Listening: Mostly to SModcasts. About five in the past four days or so? As my Dad says, “those two make great traveling companions.” Also (re)listening to the latest albums from Madonna, Gnarls Barkley, Coldplay, Meg Hutchinson and Missy Higgins. All as accompaniment to Secret.Family.Crafting. I have a bunch of new stuff I haven’t listened to yet. And there’s Pitchfork (with the Nipper! YAY! NIPPER VISIT!) over the weekend. So we’ll see.

À la Super Eggplant, currently, I am…

So I have officially declared Wednesdays to be the “Currently” update date. Completely official until next time I forget and just don’t do it, which will most likely be next week! Ha!
Eating: I’m kinda obsessed with the Poblano Fresco (with Chicken) sandwich at Corner Bakery right now. Which is unfortunate being that it’s 900 calories (NO JOKE) which is a lot to spend on one sandwich when you are pretending to only eat 1500 calories a day…
Making: A second “vest” type garment made out of super thick, super warm, wool. Because that’s totally what you are looking for in clothing right? Something with short sleeves that’s super hot?
Reading: Just finished “”Lush Life” by Richard Price (v.v.good) and was reading short stories from Cate Kennedy “Dark Roots” except I didn’t realize how close to the end I was and finished it on the El this morning (only 182 pages and BIG print). So crap, I’m not reading ANYTHING right this second and you know I am antsy to get home and dig into the bookshelves and get moving!
Watching: Nothing. I don’t think I’ve turned on the TV this week. (Oh except to put in BSG discs which I’ve started over again for the third & fourth times (depending on the episode) and am now mid-season 2. I like to be watching around where my dad is watching so when he calls I can remember the stuff he’s raving about.) I am waiting for this weekend where I WILL see WANTED, I tell you now.
Listening: Listening to the (still relatively) new Death Cab and also Fleet Foxes and Shearwater and Joseph Arthur and Port O’Brien and Madonna and Missy Higgins and Candy Butchers… I’m all over the place. I am thinking deep thoughts about a mix someone requested so I’ll be poking about a bit until I get that done.

À la Super Eggplant, currently, I am…

Eating: Mixed Berry Chewy Spree. Which I’m sure are sour only to me, and holy crap they’re making my face burn up. Could be allergic to them. Better eat 20 more to make sure.
Making: Still the blindstitching to go on Amy’s quilt and so close to being done w/ an elongated Cloud bolero (ravelry link) although at this point I’m fairly convinced I’ll never wind up wearing the thing. Everyone thinks I should wear it with a tanktop but in what weather conditions do a tank top and a wool lacey vest deal go together?
Reading: “The Farther Shore” by Matthew Eck which is really, really good. Welcome to the new generation of war novelists. Tactile and gritty and completely engrossing.
Watching: Battlestar Galactica (old and new) over and over again. And the one and only season of Standoff on Hulu. DAMN, it still pisses me off they cancelled that show. I love episode 2 possibly the best*, but the end of episode 3 is totally (romantically) awesome (Hello, Band of Horses), and also the ends of episodes 12 and 18, just so you know.
Listening: Listening to lots of Joe Purdy (as I may have mentioned), as well as Sea Wolf after seeing their brilliant show last week, (hmmm, which I thought I had written up but apparently not) and Meg Hutchinson. Have bought tons of new stuff; maybe I’ll start listening to that over the weekend. I mean, if I can be unslackerish enough to roll off the couch and press play. I’ve got big relaxation plans going on over here.
*Am I the only one who loves things the “best” rather than the “most”? Where’d I pick that up? I know one of you is to blame. CCB, was it you?

À la Super Eggplant, currently, I am…

Eating: Lots of eggs. Hard-boiled, cooked atop rice, what have you.
Making: [to repeat from last time] Sooooo close to being done with Amy’s Friendship Star quilt (only the binding to go)…but yet soooo far (the binding to go!!!).
Reading: The June challenge book with Dad: “War with the Newts” by Karel Capek. First published in 1936, it’s quite brilliant. Some non-PC words clue you into the age of this book, but otherwise I think it would be topical in any age. The first half was rollicking and so much fun. The middle section got a bit bleaker. Only the last bit to go and then my whole month will be freed up for pleasure reading. Crazy considering I stretched May’s book out as far as I possibly could (but it was stories, so there ya go) [yes, I’ll write it up soon].
Watching: Battlestar Galactica (old and new). CSI (old). That’s about it.
Listening: Spending so much time obsessing over BSG (oh you have no idea), I’ve barely been listening to anything, other than SModcasts while quilting and occasionally listening to stuff I bought in March since I didn’t do any listening that month so I felt bad for those albums (not because I’m three months behind on anything in life! No, not me!).