Wrapping It Up: Favorite Movies 2011

I know when I finally posted my review of The Guard yesterday I told you it was in my top 5 or top 2….Yeah turns out it was #1! When I reviewed the list of what I saw in 2011 and compared film to film, it just kept beating out all the other contenders!

For my top 9 favorites, some worsts, and some randomly categorized references (best house lived in by main character, film that felt most like I’d seen it 89 times before, etc), go read my full wrap up of my 2011 favorite flicks over here.

Big Screen: The Guard

Wow, I really can’t believe I didn’t write this movie up before now. It’s definitely in my top five for the year. Maybe even top two, I have to give that a wee bit more thought. 🙂 I first saw it back in August and I wound up seeing it two or three more times after that. SO GOOD!!

A real black comedy about a down-and-out Irish cop played by Brendan Gleeson–not a bad dude, just a bit jaded and over it–and a visiting FBI agent played by Don Cheedle on the trail of some drug runners. The chemistry between Gleeson and Cheedle is out of this world. Cheedle as the straight man plays against his casting in many roles and he’s just so perfectly straight-backed and stone-cold serious in it. This is movie is really hilarious and not at all politically correct (I thought it was pretty honest about racism, myself). Well acted, well directed, so many nifty twists and turns.

I just loved it to pieces. GO! I’m sure it’s out on DVD by now. Or streaming somewhere.

Big Screen: Martha Marcy May Marlene

As with Take Shelter, this is a movie of really great acting performances and really crazy paranoia stuff that leaves you with the creepiest ickiest feelings.

And as with Take Shelter, the last scene really (REALLY) messes with your head.

John Hawkes is so fantastic here. He was also fantastic in Winter’s Bone last year. I think I’d go see anything with him in it, even if I hated everything but his scenes.

I think I liked Take Shelter a LITTLE better than this…but mostly because there are things about that character’s paranoia that are a little less icky than the actual things that happen to some of the characters in this movie.

Graphic Novels: The Northlanders series by Brian Wood & Ryan Kelly.

Wow, where have these been all my life? Whipped through volumes 1 (Sven the Returned) and 2 (The Cross + the Hammer) yesterday and can’t wait to read more. The art is GORGEOUS, super dark and lush and green and red. The stories are great. The hero/anti-heroes are compelling and twisted and brave and hurt.


These are begging to be movies. (Curses.) But if they get Skarsgard to play Sven, I’d go. (Wrong coloring I know. But…)

Chicago Film Festival: Haunters

Korean mystery flick with a touch of magical realism. Really, really good! We loved it and the rest of the audience seemed to as well. Truly creepy and scary in some parts, completely farcical in others. Some really great casting choices/quirky characterizations. Completely original. 100% worth not getting home until after 1 a.m.

I’m sure it’s barely playing anywhere, if at all. But if it comes to your town, I’d call it a Can’t Miss.