À la Super Eggplant, currently, I am…

Eating: Mixed Berry Chewy Spree. Which I’m sure are sour only to me, and holy crap they’re making my face burn up. Could be allergic to them. Better eat 20 more to make sure.
Making: Still the blindstitching to go on Amy’s quilt and so close to being done w/ an elongated Cloud bolero (ravelry link) although at this point I’m fairly convinced I’ll never wind up wearing the thing. Everyone thinks I should wear it with a tanktop but in what weather conditions do a tank top and a wool lacey vest deal go together?
Reading: “The Farther Shore” by Matthew Eck which is really, really good. Welcome to the new generation of war novelists. Tactile and gritty and completely engrossing.
Watching: Battlestar Galactica (old and new) over and over again. And the one and only season of Standoff on Hulu. DAMN, it still pisses me off they cancelled that show. I love episode 2 possibly the best*, but the end of episode 3 is totally (romantically) awesome (Hello, Band of Horses), and also the ends of episodes 12 and 18, just so you know.
Listening: Listening to lots of Joe Purdy (as I may have mentioned), as well as Sea Wolf after seeing their brilliant show last week, (hmmm, which I thought I had written up but apparently not) and Meg Hutchinson. Have bought tons of new stuff; maybe I’ll start listening to that over the weekend. I mean, if I can be unslackerish enough to roll off the couch and press play. I’ve got big relaxation plans going on over here.
*Am I the only one who loves things the “best” rather than the “most”? Where’d I pick that up? I know one of you is to blame. CCB, was it you?

Quote of the Night and perhaps THE CENTURY!

Said by my Dad, to my Mom, in the midst of reporting to her about how AWESOME Battlestar Galactica is (he’s halfway through season 1, disc 1 (the mini-series), he had to hang up to get back to it but called me midway through to rave), which he just started as I sent him all the discs as an early Birthday present:
Carolyn is the one kid in a million who actually paid off.
Hello, I WIN. 😉 And yay, Dad is loving BSG too. Someone else to share the obsession. Yay!