Patheticness of the Day

This really pretty, beautifully melodic, lovely song off Joe Purdy’s latest album is TOTALLY MAKING ME CRY. And the worst part is, it’s called “Ode to Sad Clown.”
COME ON NOW PEOPLE. It is an ode to a sad clown and the lyrics are totally making me cry. Can you get more pathetic and stereotypic than that? I think I better go to bed.
(Nonetheless, I assure you it is a good song. Regardless of the pathetic person listening to it.)
I used to hear the children play
used to hear the birds sing
one day they just stopped
and I don’t hear them anymore…
I got caught in this whistling wind
doin my best to regret these sins
Lord would you forgive me
if you know I’m gonna do it again
it’s not that I’m not sorry Lord,
it’s just that I’m not strong
Oh ’cause when that woman looks at me
I cant remember right from wrong…

Quote of the Night and perhaps THE CENTURY!

Said by my Dad, to my Mom, in the midst of reporting to her about how AWESOME Battlestar Galactica is (he’s halfway through season 1, disc 1 (the mini-series), he had to hang up to get back to it but called me midway through to rave), which he just started as I sent him all the discs as an early Birthday present:
Carolyn is the one kid in a million who actually paid off.
Hello, I WIN. 😉 And yay, Dad is loving BSG too. Someone else to share the obsession. Yay!

Quote of the Day

There is a fine line between a coffee break and a crack house.
-Harlan Coben “One False Move”
In somewhat related news, if you normally order a “tall” but then one day by accident you order a “grand” because you can’t remember what the stupid word they substitute for “small” is, well you may have a problem the next however many days later it is when you without realizing it order a “tall” again and then it comes and it’s gone in two sips and you think what the hell happened to my drink, why was it so SMALL. You know what they say: once you go […in this case “grand”]…

Hilarity of the Afternoon.

I just found a half-eaten cookie wrapped in plastic remnants in one of the outside pockets of my purse. That I bought (and then ate half of) in Japan. In March. Sweet. Dessert’s on me tonight, ladies. Mwah ha ha ha ha.

Lyrics of the Afternoon

Not only does it have an awesome beeboppy ’60s feelin’ to it, but also there are a LOT of good lines in The Magnetic Fields “Too Drunk to Dream” (from Distortion, a pretty kickin’ album that sonically certainly lives up to its name) but here are three of my faves:
I’ve got to get too drunk to dream because I only dream of you.
I’ve got to get too pissed to miss you or I’ll never get to sleep.
I’ve got to get too fried to cry or I’ll be crying all night long.

Mmmm, making me thirsty.

Cover of the Day…and Some Other Recommendations

“I Should Have Known Better” – She & Him (Zoey Deschanel & M. Ward)
Beatles done alt-country style. Sweet. Zoey D = the next June Carter Cash?
Other singles (but not covers) I’m diggin’:

  • “She Loves Everybody” Chester French
  • “Tick of Time” The Kooks
  • “Roadway Hymn” La Rocca
  • “Heart of Mine” Peter Salett*

*So I’ve been rewatching Keeping the Faith lately. So what. You SHOULD be too.