First/Multiple Listens: Rhye “Woman”

This is my favorite album I bought yesterday, even though I also bought Beyonce. I love them both but this one? This is anytime, anywhere music. Also there is a serious ’70s vibe to my ear and I just dig dig dig it.

I know everyone else hears Sade when they listen to this. I hear Julia Fordham. AND I LOVE IT.

Another Stephen Thompson recommendation. Geez, that guy.

What’s playing on my iPod, in my head, and in my living room.

Wow I have not written about music on this site in a long long long time. That’s too bad but hey here are some recommendations.

Kishi Bashi “151A” = Super fun and poppy yet has that indie twist to it. Unexpected, yet won’t ever leave your head once you’ve heard it. (I did mention this one back in June if you were here then.)

Macklemore & Ryan Lewis “The Heist” = memorable enough just for “Same Love” a fantastic song but honestly most of the rest of the album (I think there’s one song I forward past, just one) is really great as well. Super lyrics, super beats. If you like rap, you need this.

Lord Huron “Lonesome Dreams” = I will be forever and ever grateful to the friend who sent me this. It’s So Good. A little Great Lake Swimmers, a little Band of Horses, a lot of its own special magicness. I really love it.


À la Super Eggplant, currently, I am…

Attempting: To study for tomorrow’s Chemistry final. It would be really hard for me NOT to get an A in the class at this point (technically I think I could even get a B based on points alone without taking the final, if the professor were to allow that), but I have this secret desire to get 100 and beat my score from exam 2 (98). It probably won’t happen as I always make at least one silly mistake, but we’ll see!

Making: Not much.

Reading: I have done almost no non-school reading (I mean, seriously) but I did JUST read “Divergent” by Veronica Roth and it was fantastic!

Watching: Oh, summer TV. Such a frustrating season, when I have the time to watch and yet nothing is on. I am liking Haven again this summer, tolerating The Glades and In Plain Sight*, and not really liking White Collar AT ALL right now (sigh. so sad! it’s one of my favorite shows normally!). But this summer’s [White Collar] plots have all felt super rushed and sloppy to me and I’m not thrilled with how they’ve handled almost anything! Boo. I guess I am also watching Burn Notice but it’s not really pulling me in this season either. 🙁

*I find I can watch mediocre shows with mediocre expectations and not get pissed unlike say The Killing for which there were SUPER HIGH expectations, some created by itself, and then it SUCKED so bad that it wasn’t even mediocre. And thus became unwatchable.

I HAVE seen a bunch of movies this summer though so I just threw up a post with quickie reviews. I mean, why are you here if you don’t want to know what I thought? 🙂 Heh.

Listening to: STILL obsessed with the new Bon Iver which I LOVELOVELOVE. (Especially after we went to Milwaukee to see him/them in concert the other weekend. Blew the roof off.) Not listening to much else, just an occasional spin through The Weeknd (that link lets you download their album, BTW). Oh and also the new Beyonce. I’ve been doing a lot of bus-commute iPod listening but mostly to super old playlists of my own (Airplane Alphabet Soup 2007 anyone?). Don’t know why but those are the songs I’ve been wanting lately.

Failing at: Losing weight.